
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baked Sunday Mornings: Malted Madeleines

I have always had a sweet spot in my heart (or should I say stomach) for a good buttery Madeleine.  A traditional Madeleine is basically a beautiful small scallop-shaped buttery yellow cake.  And I too (like the Baked boys) bought my Madeleine pan a few years ago because I loved the beautiful scallop shapes.  When I finally got around to making them I absolutely loved these little butter cakes! I was really excited when the Malted Madeleine was next on the docket for the Baked Sunday Morning group, after all, I love malt I love  Madeleines so it was a win win situation....right?

Well...perhaps not completely right.  I was disappointed that there was no malt flavor at all in these Madeleine...perhaps I am using the wrong kind of malt powder?  Don't know.  

But they were wonderfully chocolaty and you know I am 
crazy about chocolate!

I halved the recipe and am sorry to say, that I did eat my fair share...but for me, those buttery traditional Madeleines can't be beat!

To see what the other bakers did please and get the recipe visit Baked Sunday Mornings

Next week it is Mississippi Mud Pie!

Until then...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Baked Sunday Mornings: Peaches and Dream Pie

This week we were suppose to make cornmeal griddle cakes...and they look like they were awesome...check them out here.  But I decided to go rogue this week and make me a birthday pie.  Yep, today and my birthday and I love me some peach I wanted to try the Peaches and Dream Pie from the Baked Explorations cookbook.

This pie was very easy to make...I used canned peaches and then sour cream, eggs, honey, brown sugar, flour and salt are mixed up and poured over the peaches that are arranged in the crust.  Then you make a brown sugar, flour, butter mixture and sprinkle it on top.  The topping gets all melty and crackly when it is done.  So good!  Even though I baked it 5 minutes longer than was suggested, the middle was just a tad bit soupy and the bottom crust could have been more done but it was delicious!

While I still love the good old traditional peach pie this one was very tasty and will probably make it again!

You can get the recipe here.

Next time it is Malted Madeleines...there will be no going rogue that week!

Until then...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Baked Sunday Mornings: Soft Candy Caramels

This week the Baked group is making their own version of Nutella...I just didn't want to go through all the expense of buying hazelnuts and whipping up a batch just to have it sit and go bad.  I am the only one who would eat chocolate hazelnut spread in my house so I went rogue this week.  I made a recipe that I really wanted to make but missed it for some reason or the other.  Soft Candy Caramels.

Being a novice caramel maker, I evidently let the caramel cook for too long, I watched my candy thermometer very closely and waited for it to reach 240-250 degrees, it took forever!  Sadly, my caramels were not soft, they were firm and chewy. 

They did taste really good but you are liable to pull a filling out if you are not careful!  Oh well, better luck next time!
The recipe for the caramels is here

If you would like to see what the others did with the Chocolate Hazelnut Spread head on over to Baked Sunday Mornings.

We are making Alfajores next week.  That I am looking forward to!
Until then,