
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Apple Rose Tarts

I just love pretty food.  When I saw these I had to try to make them.  They were fairly difficult but I hung with it and got a fairly good result.  I think the next time I will add less sugar and forget the custard stuff on the bottom and add a cinnamon stick or two to the juice when I cook to apples.  They were good but a bit sweet for my taste.  I found them at Time to Cook.  If you ever want to serve something unique, you may want to give this a shot!

Pretty little things....aren't they?

Until next time....


  1. Oh my gosh, this is too cute!!! So when you rolled up the apple slices into a rose, the slices "behaved" and didn't get away from you?

  2. Yes! The apple slices rolled up pretty just lay down the slices overlapping them and then roll them works pretty well!

  3. Thanks Chelly! Can't wait to try this especially now that my apples are ready for picking :o)

  4. Chelly!!! I can't wait to try these. I love beautiful things to eat too. I put this post on my "things to do" list.

  5. These are just gorgeous! And would make such an impressive finish for a dinner party.


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