
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ABC: Big Batch Scone Mix

I love scones.  When I saw that the ABC challenge for this month was scones I knew that I wanted to make them into cinnamon roll scones.  I had seen cinnamon roll scones on pinterest quite awhile ago and just had to give it a shot.  So I used the scone recipe from the Weekend Baker by Abby Dodge and looked up the recipe for the Cinnamon Roll Scones on pinterest and found out it was on one of my favorite blogs, Annie's Eats.  I used her recipe for the filling, finish and glaze.  You just take the scone dough and roll it out, fill and roll and cut as if you were making cinnamon rolls.  They turned out great!  I will definitely make these scones again!  Give them a won't be sorry!

Check out the scones the other bakers did here.


  1. Holy cow, that looks delicious!!

  2. What a brilliant idea. I love it!! Thanks for sharing. I have no doubt, I won't be sorry for trying that out :o)

  3. Wow, looks delicious! A great idea! I'm just drooling over the nutty glaze! Great bake!

  4. I wanted to bake these scones but had to recover first from my recent holidays.

  5. Very creative, Chelly! Mouth watering photo!

  6. Wow cinnamon roll scones!! Quite an interesting and no doubt yummy take on the recipe! Just shows how versatile Abby's scone recipe is :-)

  7. Wonderful! I have to check out that cinnamon roll recipe. And, as I see, you strayed, too, from the straight path of the recipe.... I used hazelnuts instead of walnuts or pecans.

  8. I just made cinnamon roll pancake for my pancake Tuesday from Pinterest! I love that. I will have to try that with the scone mix..We loved this recipe!! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Haha that is just a lovely idea! Who would have thought that was possible! Nice choice

  10. Hi Chelly!

    I'm Joy from "Hot Oven, Warm Heart" and a new member of ABC. I'm so excited to be a part of the group, and make some new blogging baker friends- hopefully you included.

    Your scones turned out beautifully- when I first saw the picture I thought, does she know we were supposed to make scones, not cinnamon rolls? They look so similar! I used cinnamon as the central flavor in my scones too- I made Cinnamon Chip Pecan Scones with Brown-Butter Vanilla Bean Glaze. I'd love for you to check them out, and say hello when you get a chance!

    Have a great weekend!
    Hope to hear from you soon,

  11. Oh Chelley, your cinnamon roll scones look fabulous! What a great idea. Your photo looks like something I want to I will remember what you have done for my baking.

  12. Wow, Chelly - these look & sound amazing! I love scones & I love cinnamon, so I'm adding these to my "must try" list! I think you would have loved the waffles. Have a great week!

  13. Hi, Chelly! Thank you for stopping by. I make scones all the time because they are my husband's favorites (well until we made those maple cupcakes), but I have never seen cinnamon roll scones before. This look absolutely fabulous. I am going to try them soon!

  14. irresitable & tempting..:P
    new to your space Chelly,
    awesome space you have
    happy following you..:)
    do stop by mine sometime
    Tasty Appetite


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