
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Brooksters: Baked Sunday Mornings

Brownie and cookie heaven!

Okay, I have to admit, I did not know what a Brookster was when I saw it up on the list of the next Baked challenge. I had to wait until I got my copy of Baked Elements to find out what it was.  What the heck is a Brookster?  Well it is a brownie-chocolate chip cookie collaboration!! Chocolate chip cookie dough is placed in a brownie shell and baked together.  Very rich and very delicious!  It is suppose to be done in mini 4" pie plates.  While I have a nice array of baking pans, 4" pie tins were not included in my collection, so I had to opt for the muffin pan brookster.  I am glad I did.  The 4-inch variety would have been far too big and way too rich to eat in one sitting (well, maybe I could force it down with some vanilla ice cream!!)

I also found this nifty little instructional video on how to make them on Martha Stewarts web site.  Made by none other than Matt Lewis himself!  They were calling them Brookies then. 

These are great, but extremely sure to have a nice ice cold glass of milk nearby when you devour one of these! 
Please check out what the other bakers did here.  We have a very talented group!!
Until next time!


  1. Pure chocolate perfection, Chelly!

  2. Beautiful! I love your vintage pan!

  3. Chelly - these rock. Excellent job!

  4. Hello Chelly,
    Thanks for the Brooksters: Baked Sunday Mornings recipe.
    I'll create one for sure, my kids are gonna like it :)
    If you don't mind, can you submit your Brooksters: Baked Sunday Mornings photo in ?
    It's a food photography site full of all DIY food pictures from members around the world. Or perhaps you'd like to submit by yourself? Let me know when you did, so I can share it.

  5. Good tip on the video! I need to watch it now. I have total pan envy, by the way.

  6. Ooh, thank you for the video link! I can't wait to watch that-- hopefully that will help for next time. :) Your Brooksters look awesome!


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