
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Vanilla Bean and Milk Chocolate Budino

This Sunday the Baked group is making budino!  I had no idea what a budino was...and what do ya's just good old pudding Italian style.  There is nothing like made from scratch pudding. 

Smooth, rich and creamy.  
The milk chocolate was a nice partner with the vanilla bean.  
Dollop with some freshly whipped cream and 
you got heaven in a glass.

To get the recipe click here.

Mangiare Bene!

I made the Lacy Panty Cakes last week, but was just too late to get included in the round here they are!!


  1. Looks great (both the puddings and the pancakes)!

  2. Perfect pudding layers! And your pancakes look good too!

  3. did you actually get 8 servings? i made half the recipe and only got 3!

  4. Looks great. I haven't had time for the pancakes yet, but they look wonderful. Your puddings are pretty enough for a fancy dinner party. Nice work!

  5. Very nice! Smooth, rich and creamy are definitely the words to describe this!

  6. Looks great, loved this recipe too!

  7. I'm finally finishing reading last week's posts-- nice job! Your budino looks gorgeous, and I love your serving glasses. Seems like no one knew what the heck a budino was before making this recipe! :)


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